Does Your Auto Insurance Policy Cover Your Auto Glass Service?
Do you have comprehensive coverage on your insurance policy? If so, check what your deductible is for that! It might be worth filing a claim to save yourself some extra cash on your windshield replacement! All glass claims fall under your comprehensive deductible, so whatever that may be, is what you would pay (or wouldn’t pay) for your windshield replacement! We work with all insurance companies, big or small! We follow all of the guidelines set by your insurance company so the only thing you have to do is call the 800 number to the claims department on your insurance card, tell them you want to use Elite Auto Glass for your windshield replacement, they will dispatch us the referral and we will take it from there! If you have any questions on how this process works, or need help filing, please do not hesitate to give us a call and we will walk you through it!
Do I Have To Use My Insurance Or Can I Pay For My Own Auto Glass Services?
You do not have to use your auto insurance for your windshield replacement if it doesn’t make sense to you. Sometimes deductibles are high, and we always do our best to beat those kinds of deductibles. We also offer competitive pricing for windshield replacements, repairs, and windshield calibration services so they are more affordable for you and can get you back on the road quickly and safely!